Security Audits


Security Audits

  • 2-factor authentication
  • Bitwarden for encrypted passwords and management
  • Yubico and other FIDO key protection
  • Prevent hackings
  • Detect and remove weak intrusion areas
  • Network monitoring and protection

In a new world of open communication between servers, mobile devices and any other devices that are "connected," we need to be careful about how our information is delivered to any of these devices.

Security can be locked down in a multitude of ways. But the biggest detriment to a company is having no security policy at all. Having no plan for security invites hackers to mess with your operations and business.

Allow our company to check all of your devices and verify that they are free from malware, ransomware and infections. We secure the passwords, and protect your firewalls with the highest level of protection.

If you're unsure of how protected you are, this is the best time to call us. Let us come in and verify your level of protection and create a plan for you.

Reach Out

Call us, or visit us on social media, to setup an appointment for a security audit.


(516) 750-2420