Why should you backup?
- Because hardware will eventually fail.
- Ransomware does exist and could happen to you.
- Security of knowing that your data is safe from disaster.
- Because data recovery is really expensive!
What do I need in order to backup my computer files?
- External Drive at least twice the capacity of the used data or Cloud Storage.
- Backup software of your choosing. If you’re using Windows or Mac, there are free options.
- A backup schedule that will leave enough time for your computer to complete the backup.
Should I use an external drive or cloud storage?
Cloud storage is the best way to backup all of your data. We recommend that you use a service like iDrive. External drives and storage are also good for backup; but run the risk of the drive prematurely dying and losing all the data.
If you’re a business, we recommend having both cloud storage (continuous backup) and separate physical backup of all data at least once a year.
When should physical backups be swapped out?
If you’re using external hard drives or mechanical hard drives, we recommend replacing these drives every 3 years.
TIP: You should label your drives with the date that you purchased them. Either with a sharpie or a sticky label. DO NOT USE A POST-IT OR ANYTHING MAGNETIC
What files do I need to backup?
You need to backup all of your data files. These are files that you create that contain your content that is unique to you. Typical files are: documents, pictures, videos, music, desktop, email, attachments, and downloads, etc.
License information for any programs that you install should also be backed up.
System files do not need to be backed up.
When should I backup my files?
Backups should be run daily. Most business typically backup in the evening hours starting around 8:30 PM. Home users should backup in the morning hours, typically around 1 or 2 AM. As long as the computers are on all the time. If the computer is used and then powered off, then incremental backups should be scheduled during operating use.
TIP: Only files that have been changed since the previous backup, will be backed up.
Which software should I use to backup?
Cloud Backup PC or MAC: iDrive Home, iDrive Business, CrashPlan Business, Carbonite Cloud Backup
External Storage Backup (physical hard drive or tape): Windows Backup (PC), Time Machine (MAC), Acronis (PC and MAC)
I don’t know if I am backing up properly? What do I do?
You should contact us for a consultation on your backup needs. We will provide you with the best solution. Contact Us